Nutrition Consult Services
Ela Zeng

Nutritionist and Lifestyle Coach
(Customized food recipes for patient nutrition needs and food preference/allergies/sensitivities)
Ela is dedicated to supporting you as a unique individual, not just a number. She is here to guide you through your journey, offering medical, physical, and emotional care every step of the way.

Nutrition Consult Services:
8 weeks Nutrition consult program including:
Initial consultation / Client Nutritional Assessment. 2 sessions (1-hour each). First session to collect info from the client, and second session to meet up with the client to go through the nutrition/wellness plan based on the assessment result)
Individualized nutrition summary and nutrition plan
2 sessions (30-min each) follow-up appointments / coaching sessions
Email support for 8 weeks
Price: $500
for more details and booking, please contact us

Cancer Coaching
Who is a Cancer Coach?
We believe that a cancer diagnosis doesn't define your future. After receiving such news, you might feel overwhelming with emotions like disbelief, distress, anger, or depression, which can linger longer than expected. While you'll receive medical care from various professionals, you may still feel a gap in the emotional and practical support you need throughout this journey. That's where Cancer Coach steps in.
Our program is designed for all cancer patients, whether you're currently undergoing treatment, aiming to strengthen your immune system and enhance your quality of life, or exploring the most effective treatment options for your cancer.
Cancer Coaching Services:
8 weeks Nutrition consult program including:
3 hours + 8 weeks email support and customized meal planning based on the clients nutrition need and taste.
For price, please contact us
About Ela​​​
Hi, my name is Ela Zeng, a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant and Certified Holistic Cancer Practitioner in Alberta. I had never thought that I would become a holistic nutritional consultant one day. Before I become a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant, I was always sick and was busy running to the doctor's office and getting all kinds of treatments from various health practitioners. When my friends went hiking in Banff, I was in bed most of the time because I was sick. Using up all my sick days every single year was normal to me. This was what my old usual life was!
After being told that drinking a cup of strong coffee and taking pain killers was the only way to help with my migrains again and again by the medical doctors and after trying all kinds of treatments by various health practitioners, my migraines still hadn't been improved at all, I decided to take back the control of my own health and got myself educated to become a holistic nutritional consultant for myself.
After sharing holistic nutrition and helping quite a few people to achieve their health goals, I realized that how many people out there were desperately looking for help like me before, anf how meaningful it was to be able to help them with my knowledge and skills. Finally, I decided to choose holistic nutrition as my new career.
2018 was a difficult year for me. Three relatives of mine passed away because of cancer. I, Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant, could not help them at all as I knew nothing about it.
You may think that nutritional consultant should be able to know how to help people diagnosed with cancer with their diet and lifestyle etc., but the fact is we didnt get any training about helping people diagnosed with cancer at all. This inspired me to become a Certified Holistic Cancer Practitioner to help people diagnosed with cancer either support them through their medical treatments with nutrition or guide them for recovery after their medical treatment to have a better life quality and reduce the risk of occurrence.
after all these years practice, I also realized the importance of educating people about what to eat and what not to eat as well as what to do and what not to do to stay healthy. I have been regularly delivered health seminars at different organizations such as CCCSA, MPC Foundations, CPEAC and having interviews at local radio station providing information for people to learn how to live a healthier life in Cantonese, Mandarin and English.
No matter you are looking for nutritional consulting or cancer coaching, or a health seminar with lots of great information, the message I truly want to pass on to you is that you are the one who has the control of your own health, not others. I am here for you whenever you are ready to take your health in your own hands.